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12 Memories

Updated: Sep 13, 2023

For as long as I can remember, I have enjoyed adding a twist of meaning to ordinary gifts, occasions or events. I loved the challenge of taking something stock standard and elevating it with just a little bit of thought and care – a note to a friend with a bottle of wine that compared them to the rich qualities of the vino, preparing meaningful questions for guests to answer around the table at our dinner party, printing out little personal favours to attach to the bottom of chess pieces, so that every captured piece in the game was also a surprise adventure for the winner.

Perhaps I don’t like to be boring or ordinary. Perhaps I love seeing people laugh and smile. Perhaps I enjoy savouring every moment and creating memories that will last a lifetime. Perhaps I want the extraordinary people in my life to know that I have taken the time to make something just a little bit “extra” because I love them and they are worth it. Perhaps it’s a little bit of all of the above.

Last Christmas I was searching for gifts for two very important friends. They are difficult to buy for because a) I’ve gifted them many things over the years, so ideas are running low, b) they have everything that money can buy and don’t need or really want anything, c) the last thing they want is extra clutter and sh*t in their house, d) they appreciate and value both luxury and meaning, which is hard to come by.

I turned to the wealth of photos that I have on my phone that are filled with memories, but that I hardly ever look at or think about. I chose and printed a variety of 12 photos for each friend, featuring highlights of the previous year. I wrote and printed 12 accompanying notes, detailing what was happening in the photo, why that memory was special to me, and the qualities of my friend that it reminded me of.

Here’s an example of two of the notes that I wrote to go with two of the photos:

"You know I love poking fun at you for always being over-packed and over-prepared, but deep down, I secretly admire your organisational skills. I mean, how many times have I borrowed things from you at the last minute or used your shampoo and conditioner when I've forgotten mine? And let's be real, when have we ever come home with leftover champagne?

"You've got it all figured out! You're like the Mary Poppins of travelling, except instead of a magical bag, you've got an entire suitcase full of supplies. And you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. You're always thinking about everything and it makes you the best travel buddy, party partner, and cheese-and-cracker-provider a person could ask for. With you around, I always feel prepared for anything. You're a lifesaver and an all-around amazing friend.

"Here's to many more over-packed adventures with you!"

"One of my happy memories of you this year was our spa day for your birthday. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I loved the foot spas, the face masks, the soft robes, and of course the copious amounts of bubbles and silly chats. You deserve to be pampered and spoiled!

"It seems like you and I always end up in spa baths and bubble baths together. I love that we are not too big or old to fit into your bathroom tub (which, if memory serves me right, we did at least twice this year, and I have photographic evidence of one of those occasions).

"I must admit, I do very much enjoy bubbles and bubble baths with you. It is always a hoot washing away our troubles with some bubbles!"

I put the 12 photos with their 12 matching notes into 12 envelopes. I then neatly packaged these into a gift bag with an elegant frame. My friends opened their first envelope at Christmas, read the notes and placed the photos in the frame. They have been opening one on the 25th of each month since. Halfway through the year, they are still loving the adventure.

Because my handmade prototype was a success, I went to work creating a commercial version of the product, which I have now affectionately called 12 Memories.

I found a frame that I liked and a company that could produce them – it was understated and elegant. I wanted something that would blend in with and match anyone’s decor and wouldn’t scream tacky.

I designed a luxurious gift box from scratch, personally choosing every component down to the tiniest details. I flew around the country visiting all of the major producers of luxury gift boxes – including the company that produced Haigh’s Chocolates’ 2022 Luxury Advent Calendar (which was the level of sophistication and quality I envisioned) – as well as received samples from overseas producers, and chose the best of the best. It was important to me that this box was sturdy, strong and luxurious, as it would serve to house the 12 envelopes throughout the year until each one was ready to be opened.

I wanted the box to be beautiful enough that someone would be proud to have it sitting on their coffee table or bedside table, much like a Chanel book becomes a decor statement. I wanted it to feel premium when you touched it, even better than Burberry or Louis Vuitton boxes.

I personally designed the bespoke envelopes and tested a slew of photo studios until I settled on the best one to use for my project. This product was my baby and it had to be perfect down to the finest details – at least as perfect as humanly and technologically possible.

Yes, technology came into play as well. Here’s how. I realised that while I like to write, not everyone does. Some people want to express love and appreciation but can’t find the words, or they don’t consider themselves creative. So I incorporated AI into the process to help people write their notes. It took months of testing various prompts to teach AI how to write notes that would suit different people’s tastes and style – nice, emotional and humorous.

This gift idea is simple to pull together and creates lasting impact. You could do it yourself like I did for my two friends, or if you want a helping hand and a premium result you could give 12 Memories a go.

If you try it and love it, post your comments below or snap a picture and share it with me on Instagram @wrappedinmeaning and by using the hashtag #WrappedInMeaning.


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