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Better than Chivas Regal?

The other day I was reading The Copy Book by D&AD, and noticed this brilliant piece of work by David Abbott, written in 1980. Not only was it a perfect copy and a unique ad; it somehow managed to tug at my heartstrings.

The ad cleverly breaks from convention with a string of sentences, each beginning with "Because..." Yet every sentence is a beautiful expression of heartfelt memories and thoughts about the author's father.

The ad starts like this:

Because I've known you all my life.
Because a red Rudge bicycle once made me the happiest boy on the street.
Because you let me play cricket on the lawn.
Because you used to dance in the kitchen with a tea-towel around your waist.

The ad ends with:

Because it’s Fathers Day.
Because if you don’t deserve Chivas Regal, who does?

I paused to think about Father’s Day and what dads really want. Let’s be honest, most wouldn’t turn down a Chivas Regal. But more importantly, they would all love and treasure our thoughts, appreciation and memories put into words, just as David did in his ad as a tribute to his dad.

This made me reflect on my Dad. His health doesn’t allow him to drink anymore, but even if it did, I believe he'd surely trade a Chivas Regal for more moments and love from his kids and grandkids, along with good health and shared happiness for all.

So, @arthurlouis95, in David Abbott-style, here are some of my memories and just a few of the reasons why I love you and why you deserve nothing but the very best—not only on Father’s Day, but every day.

Because after the birth of three consecutive boys, your wish for a baby girl came true when I was born.
Because you always text or call me on my birthday—even if I occasionally forget yours.
Because at 70, you're still holding strong as the handsome man you've always been.
Because you are an outdoorsy Dad, and have always taught me to love and appreciate nature’s beauty.
Because I loved when you would take me nighttime fishing on the jetty when I was young and taught me how to gut and scale and cook our flathead and bream on the BBQ as dawn broke.
Because you taught me how to build a fire—which has become one of my favourite things, alongside beaches, sunrises and sunsets.
Because you always worked hard to provide for our family (and still do!), and taught me the same work ethic. I remember being in the back of the white station wagon in my PJs when mum dropped you off at building/construction sites with your lunch box and hot thermos on many freezing cold mornings before sunrise.
Because my first driving lessons were with you, in a 12-seater van with a sticky clutch and a manual column shift—unforgettable.
Because your positivity is infectious; I never once heard you complain in my whole life, except when you had gallstones, and that was 1,000% legit and scared the living daylights out of me!
Because you have always cared for everyone else before you and won’t spend a cent on yourself (ahem!).
Because you taught me by example that there is so much in life that is worth far more than items that money can buy—love, friends, family, memories.
Because you showed me that it is possible to love someone deeply for a certain period of time (my mum) and then love someone else for another season (Manuela), nurturing both families with dignity and respect, gifting us a beautiful and diverse blended family of brothers and sisters.
Because teaching me how to lay bricks was just another feather to your hat of talents, and you even built a house for us—truly amazing!
Because you were always there for me if I needed you, but weren’t overprotective or intrusive or intense.
Because I loved catching and eating those huge mud crabs in Coffs Harbour!
Because I still have the little card you gave me when I was nine, with a cartoon squirrel with nuts that says, “I like all kinds of nuts, but you’re my favourite.—Love, Dad.”
Because you used to call me your happy little Vegemite.
Because you tell me that I will always be your little girl.
Because you always seem to have enough love to give to everyone around you.
Because every time I see you, it doesn’t feel like any time has passed at all.
Because even though we don't get to see each other as often as I'd like, you love me just the same.
Because it’s Fathers Day.
Because if you don’t deserve all the happiness in the world, who does?

If you try it and love it, post your comments below or snap a picture and share it with me on Instagram @wrappedinmeaning and by using the hashtag #WrappedInMeaning.


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