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From the heart: 10 meaningful Mother’s Day toasts

Updated: Jan 27

We’re all tempted to think that our words are never enough to adequately express our love and appreciation. But the truth is, they are. Words are powerful.They have the ability to make us laugh, cry, and even feel understood.

Toasting to our moms on Mother’s Day—in a public setting or even in the privacy of our own homes—is one beautiful way to do this, to honor her and show gratitude.

When we give a heartfelt toast, we’re creating a lasting memory. We’re letting our mom know that she was, and continues to be, an important person in our life. We are publicly acknowledging her worth.

Giving a toast is also a meaningful way to celebrate our mom’s accomplishments. Whether she’s been a stay-at-home mom or a working professional, raising children or taking care of her own parents, she’s likely done more than we realize.

By toasting to her, we are publicly recognizing all the hard work and dedication that she’s poured into making sure we have had the best life possible.

If you have a Mother’s Day event planned that would benefit from some toasts, consider the following toasts as inspiration for your own words of love and appreciation. Our moms deserve to be told!

Here’s to the mom who is the heart of the home, a best friend, a confidante, a guiding light, who always goes the extra mile, who gives the best hugs and knows just how to make us smile. For the endless amounts of patience and unwavering selfless love, we thank you and wish you an amazing Mother’s Day!
Today we celebrate our incredible mom who always has our backs, loves us with all her heart, and is always here for us! May your day be filled with laughter, joy, silliness, and all the hugs you could ever want. On this special day, we toast to your strength, resilience, courage and selflessness – and all the wonderful days that lie ahead! Cheers to you, the queen of Mother’s Day!
Let’s raise our glasses to the most wonderful and generous mother, who has gone beyond all expectations to provide us with the best of everything. You have always ensured that we were safe, happy, well-cared for and loved. Please know we are so very grateful for all that you've done for us–your untold sacrifices have not gone unnoticed! Here's to the best mom in the world!
To the most extraordinary mother in the universe. Let’s raise a glass to you and your never-ending compassion and love. You guide us with grace and strength, always putting your family first. Let's toast to all the moments you've been our rock to rely on, our support when we felt low, and our biggest fan when we accomplished success. Here’s to you! May your special day be filled with joy and appreciation, which you are so deserving of!
To the most important woman in our lives – our mom. We raise a glass to honor and thank you for your love and care, for guiding us when we were lost, for believing in us when no one else would, and for endlessly encouraging and inspiring us to be our very best. We are so proud and blessed to call you our mom. For all the times you've put us first, we thank you and wish you a wonderful Mother’s Day!
Today we are applauding the extraordinary mom whose love, support, and selflessness make our lives so much brighter every day. On this day of appreciation, we’d like to take a moment to honor you and express our gratitude. Your kindness and wisdom and love will always be cherished. Thank you for being an incredible mom - Happy Mother's Day!
Here's to the most selfless mom in the world: one who has always been there with a listening ear, a generous heart, and an optimistic outlook on life. May this Mother's Day pave the way for many more years for us as a family to celebrate the remarkable mom we are so fortunate to have–not just on Mother’s Day, but all year round. Cheers to you, the best mom we could ever ask for!
Here’s to the mom who always puts her family first and radiates unconditional love, who makes the world a better place with her kind and generous spirit, and who never stops believing in us. We thank you for your endless support and wish you a very happy Mother’s Day! Our lives are better everyday because you are the one we are lucky to call mom!
Here’s to the mom who knows us inside and out, who is always there to listen and give wise advice, who puts us first and teaches us the importance of kindness and compassion. For your unconditional support, love, and never-ending encouragement, we thank you and wish you an unforgettable Mother’s Day!
Here's to you, our mom! Your heart is as big and strong as the mountains you climb. We appreciate your courage and strength, and for showing us how to live our lives with purpose and joy. You have been our confidante, our cheerleader, and our best friend, all in one. We are forever grateful for the wonderful woman you are and for everything you have done for us. We hope to continue to make you proud.

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