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How to create the gift of a meaningful foot pamper kit

Updated: Jan 27

Feet are made to carry us through life and to explore the world. They take us places we have never been before, from the tallest mountains to the warmest beaches. They are often a source of joy, whether it's through kick-starting a new exercise program, getting out into nature, or simply going out dancing with friends.

Feet can be a source of comfort and connection in a world filled with chaos and unpredictability. Some people even consider them to be symbols of good luck and fortune, with their beautiful curves, creases and lines.

I have a friend who loves her feet and thinks they are her best feature. I think she has a lot of other amazing features too – but do agree her feet are quite perfect. I wanted to give her something special and meaningful for her birthday, which is where this idea was born.

I spent less than $100 USD on this product, and ramped it up with little bits of meaning and thoughtfulness that didn’t cost a cent.

The gift is ideal for:

  • A person who loves their feet

  • A person who is on their feet often at work and has sore feet

  • A person who runs marathons or walks a lot

  • A hard-working parent

Step 1

Purchase these products:

  • Magnesium foot salts with a beautiful scent

  • Foot exfoliator

  • Cooling and reviving foot spray

  • Foot scrub (I chose peppermint)

  • Foot rescue cream (a thick foot cream)

  • X 2 nail polishes

  • A gift box to present everything in

The above were the items that I chose, but you could choose literally any combination of luxurious foot/pedicure products.

Step 2

Write two notes that match with the nail polishes. I chose two nail polishes that were pretty colours with meanings that were applicable to my friend. I expounded on their names with little notes that were tied around each nail polish.

Step 3

Design and print a label to glue on to the top of the box, with their name and a list of the items included in the kit.

Step 4

Pop all of the items into a gift box with tissue paper and print another label that you glue inside the lid of the box, which expounds on the meaning of this gift.

This was my note. You will want to make yours personal to your friend.

Dear [NAME],

Because I love your feet nearly as much as you do :), I wanted to gift you a few things to keep them looking their very best this year.

Your feet are not only incredibly beautiful, but they're also vital, because they take you on all of your walks and adventures, which I know you love and could not survive without. I hope that you will be able to use these products to give your feet a bit of extra TLC this year.

Wishing you relaxation, joy and pampering today and throughout the year ahead.

If you try it and love it, post your comments below or snap a picture and share it with me on Instagram @wrappedinmeaning and by using the hashtag #WrappedinMeaning.


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